Saturday, January 3, 2015

Blogger fail

I am willing to admit that I'm not a brilliant blogger. I like doing it, I take pictures for it, and I usually have it on my "to do" list, but when grad school assignments are due, blogging is the first thing to go. My social life is sacrificed after that, and a balanced diet quickly follows in demise. Finally my sleep is slaughtered on the alter of academic achievement, and I turn into a beast of a human -- sleep-deprived and half-sick, basically noncomunicative, subsisting on Hobnobs (cookies) and developing an unhealthy attachment to my French press.

All that to say: I've been on Christmas vacation for two (three?) weeks, and I'm still two assignment short. So you're still not getting a real blog entry. BUT I wrote an article for the school newspaper back in late October, so here's the link to that. It's on page 23.

And being a better blogger is my fourth New Year's resoluion -- right after drinking at least as much water as I do coffee. Happy 2015!